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Resultados 1 - 4 de aproximadamente 4
Idioma de origen
Turco 70" Mouse, elektronik mürekkeple yazabilen...
70" Mouse, elektronik mürekkeple yazabilen dokunmatik ekran USB Bağlantısı Opsiyonel yer standı

Traducciones completadas
Búlgaro 70" Mишка, тъч монитор,...
Inglés 70" Mouse, touch screen,...
10Idioma de origen10
Inglés Darling, how's your day?Probably another busy day...
Darling, how's your day?Probably another busy day for you,huh?I missed you. Are you coming online later?

Traducciones completadas
Turco Hayatım,günün nasıl geçti?Muhtemelen yine yoğun bir gündü......
10Idioma de origen10
Inglés I scarcity to mature an effective alcohol
I scarcity to mature an effective alcohol http:www.######.###
I over again infer from this forum.
Admin's note : No url allowed in the text frame.

Traducciones completadas
Turco az bulunan etkili bir alkol
Idioma de origen
Esta petición de traducción es "sólo el significado"
Inglés Marriage!
Marriage! fresh one glass milk for house cow feed like

Traducciones completadas
Turco Evlilik!